This tutorial is divided into sections. If you want to jump to one of these sections, just click on the link below.

This tutorial is divided into sections. If you want to jump to one of these sections, just click on the link below.


Java is definitely one of the most popular programming languages now, and not only that, it is one of the few programming languages with the kind of frameworks and packages that can serve at an enterprise level.  By no means that kind of high capability indicates complexity of the programming language itself, and in fact, Java is very easy to learn and comprehend, regardless whether you have done programming in other languages, or you have not done any computer programming at all.  At the end of this tutorial, you will find out why Java is so simple, yet so powerful.


The very key concept about Java, and a lot of programming languages, is called Application Programming Interface, aka API.  I know I started to throw in some acronyms already.  When you have to deal with or talk about something so many times, you would too prefer a quicker way to refer to it.  Yes, all the acronyms I use in this tutorial will be used by Java developers many many times.  So, think about the positive side of acronyms, and start to use them too. 

Back to the API topic, it is the real glue that keeps every individual piece of code together inside Java programs.  I'm sure you have heard people say that Java is an object oriented programming language.  Here's a simple way to understand that notation.  Every piece of Java code, whether you wrote it or the folks who created the JDK wrote it, can be compared to the design of an object, such as an electric outlet you see every day inside your house; there's an interface facing the outside, here we call it public interface, and there's all the ugly wirings inside the wall, which we call the implementations.  No doubt that for a particular piece of Java code to be used by other code pieces, its public interfaces are definitely the connection points, and should be clearly defined and published.  As for the implementations, since they are hidden and not exposed, you have many ways to get them to work, as long as they eventually provide the actual functionalities to support what the public interfaces promise to the outside world.  These public interfaces are what APIs refer to.

So to a large extend, it's all about public interfaces and internal implementations. 

Sounded simple, right?  However, those two things play the most important role in separating the seasoned Java developers from novice or non seasoned Java developers.  How's so?  Think about the electric outlet concept again.  If the public interface that everyone depends on is not well designed or defined, it may confuse people as for how to use the whole thing.  Or, it may be defined OK, but not well thought through, and has to be changed over time for many times, therefore whoever uses it is forced to change their way of using it accordingly every time the interface changes.  It's not a good interface in those cases, and the problems can and should be avoided.  On the other side, even though the implementations are not exposed, and can be as ugly as they get, a clean and efficient inside wiring will definitely make future maintenance way much easier.  The point to make here is, that even though you are just starting to learn Java, keep in mind about these two important things along your way, and they will help you become a seasoned developer much faster.


To do our first Java program, all we need is a text editor to write our code with, and a Java development kit, aka JDK, to compile our code before we run it.

However, like I said that APIs are the glue inside Java programs, it is inevitable that we need to use other people's code inside our code through their published public APIs.  Can you imagine how many API definitions we can use?  Yes, that is a lot, and nobody wants to or needs to remember them all.  How do we do the job then?  Pick a good tool.  A good tool can show, with a simple keystroke, all the available interfaces provided by any piece of code as part of the core JDK, or code created by your peers or even yourself.  We call this kind of tools IDE, Integrated Development Environment.  A very popular and powerful IDE available currently and for many years already is called Eclipse.  It is Free!

So we go to this website to download the latest version of Eclipse,, and this website to download the latest JDK under Java SE,   Install JDK first, then the IDE.  Here's the first screen you will see after you run Eclipse from your computer.

The few links in the center of the area will take you to some tutorials and examples etc, which you are encouraged to explore.  To quickly complete our first Java program, let's click on the right most link which says Workbench when you move your mouse over it.

First Program

With everything setup, we can start writing our first piece of code.  A piece of Java code is really called a class.  When we run our class, we create an instance of it, and then we operate on its public interfaces.  In other words, a class is like some specifications we write or a blueprint we draw on a piece of paper, for our electric outlet as an example, and an instance of it is like a real object created, according to this set of specifications.  We can surely create multiple instances or objects out of one particular class, and those instances are individual entities, even though they all follow the same specifications.  Changing one instance will not affect any other instances at all.

For our first program, let's design a mobile phone simulator, a class called Phone.  The first thing to think about for this design is, you guessed it, the public interfaces we will provide to the outside world.  Obviously, we need some buttons, like power button, talk button, hang up button, and all the number buttons from 0 to 9, etc.  Here's what they will look like in our class definition -

                public void pressPower() { }

                public void pressZero() { }


                public void pressTalk() { }

                public void pressHangUp() { }

The word public tells the compiler that we are defining a public interface for other classes to use, and the word void says that we do not return any value after these methods are executed.  Of course we need to write code inside these methods to actually do something, and the code we write inside are the implementations.  During our implementation, we very frequently will run into situations when we want to create some code that can be shared by many methods, but not intended to be exposed to the outside world.  This is when we need to create some private methods.  Here's a good example, which will print out what's currently on the phone screen.  We will use it at the end of each public call to show what just happened to the phone -

                private void display(String message) { }

From the above line, you see I introduced a way for passing in different values to a method.  Specifically, the portion that says String message inside the brackets serves this purpose. Callers of this method have to provide that value.

As part of the internal implementations, we also need to keep the states of a phone, such as whether the phone is turned on or off, and what buttons the user has pressed so far, etc.  This is when we need to create some member variables.  In our case, they should be defined as private as well, so that they won't be accidentally modified by other classes -

                private boolean powerStatus;

                private String buffer;

Here again the first word describes whether it is exposed to the outside world or not, but the second word is the data type for each variable we are defining.  A boolean variable has two values, true and false, with false as the default value if not clearly set yet.  String is a quite frequently used JDK defined class, and needs to be properly set with a value first before we use it.  If users want to change their value, they have to go through the public interfaces.  For example, calling this following interface and implementation will toggle the power status -

                public void pressPower() {

                                if (powerStatus == false) {

                                                powerStatus = true;

                                } else {

                                                powerStatus = false;



In the previous code example, we just introduced the usage of curly brackets, for marking code blocks, and semicolons, for marking the end of each statement.  This method simulates the press of the power button.  By checking the current value of the powerStatus variable, we can find out the current power status of our phone.  When true is the value detected in the variable, we know the power is current on, and pressing the button now will turn the phone off, and a status of false will be stored in the powerStatus variable.  Vice versa.

Now it's time for us to pull out the Eclipse again, and type in the code we just discussed.  After you click on the Workbench link, you will see a screen with many small panels.  From the main menu, select File, new, project..., and then from a pop up dialog, select Java Project under Java.

Click on Next to go to next dialog, and provide a project name.  Here we can call it PhoneSimulator.

Click on Finish, and answer Yes to the next question regarding Open Associated Prospective.

Now we have our project setup, and ready to put in our first Java class.  From the Package Explorer on the top left hand side panel, click on the + sign in front of the PhoneSimulator project name, and right click on src, select New, and then Class.   On the next pop up dialog, type in com.mycompany as the Package name, and Phone as the Name of the class, then click on Finish.

Here's where we are now -

In implementing the internal display method, we need to rely on an existing JDK functionality for printing something onto the screen, specifically System.out.println.  Here's the part where IDE helps us tremendously; as soon as you type in the dot after System, a drop down list box will come out in the editor, to show you all the APIs you can select. 

In this case, we select out.  As soon as we type in a dot after out, we see another list comes out -

In this case, we select println.  In stead of making a selection from the list box right away, you can also keep typing in the characters you know about, like pr, and it'll keep narrowing down the selections in the list.  What a handy tool!  That makes it so much easier to navigate among all the available APIs you can use.

Here's our completed Phone class definition.  To save some space, I did leave out some obvious methods that you can fill out very easily on your own.  Make sure you fill them up before running this.

package com.mycompany;

public class Phone {

                // define member variables first

                private boolean powerStatus; // to keep track of power status

                private String buffer;     // to keep track of the buttons user has pressed


                // define a constructor, which will be called every time when a new instance is created; a good place to initialize our variables

                public Phone() {

                                powerStatus = false;

                                buffer = "";



                // define public methods

                public void pressPower() {

                                if (powerStatus == false) {

                                                powerStatus = true;

                                } else {

                                                powerStatus = false;


                                display("The power is " + (powerStatus?"on":"off"));



                // dial whatever number user has pressed so far

                public void pressTalk() {

                                display("Dialing " + buffer);



                // hang up button will also clear the key buffer

                public void pressHangUp() {

                                buffer = "";

                                display("Hung up");



                public void pressZero() {

                                buffer = buffer + "0";




                public void pressOne() {

                                buffer = buffer + "1";




                // Please fill out the implementations for press 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

                // …


                // define internal methods

                private void display(String message) {




                // Over loaded method to work differently because of the different parameter signature

                private void display() {




A couple of more things introduced here.  First, every line that starts with // is a comment line, and will be ignored by the compiler.  Then the constructor concept.  A constructor is a special method that gets called every time when a new instance of this class is instantiated.  In most cases, you need to declare it as public, and make sure it has no return type, and shares the same name as the class name.  You may also have noticed that I added another display method besides the one we talked about already, however without a parameter inside the brackets.  This is called method overload, which as the example indicated requires different kinds of parameter signatures.  In our case, if the message parameter is not provided, the new display method will be called instead, and in turn it calls the original display method using the buffer as the parameter.  In plain English, if we don't tell it what message to display, it displays the buffer content.

Use It

Now we can do some exercises on this newly create phone class.  To actually use the Phone class, we will create another class called User.  Since our illustrations focus on the Phone class, we will simplify the way we use this User class, and put everything inside the special main method.

Again from the Package Explorer panel, right click on com.mycompany under src under PhoneSimulator.  Select New and Class.  From the pop up dialog, type in User as the class Name, and check the check box labeled public static void main(String[] args).  Then Finish.  A new bare bone class will be created.

The main method is a special method, because it is the entry point of every program.  Make sure you use it in the one entry class among all the classes in your project, without changing any part of its signature.

Then we instantiate a Phone object using the following syntax, and assign it to a variable called myPhone.  We will be doing some operations on this myPhone object.

                Phone myPhone = new Phone();

So what can we do to this myPhone object?  You got it.  All the public interfaces we defined for the Phone class will be available for us to call.  Do you remember all of them?  No need to, because we have our super IDE.  Same way as how we triggered the drop down list earlier, here we go with a simple dot after myPhone variable, or by pressing control+space key.

From the list, do you see the public methods we created earlier inside the Phone class?  We can call any one of them now, without having to care about how they were implemented, or how they were internally wired.

Ok, I added a few more operations on this myPhone object, and here's a complete list of the User class.

package com.mycompany;

public class User {


                 * @param args


                public static void main(String[] args) {


                                // create a phone object from Phone class

                                Phone myPhone = new Phone();

                                // turn it on



                                // press 9721112222 in sequence












                                // press talk button


                                // then hang up


                                // turn it off




Now right click any where inside the editor loaded with, and select Run As, then Java Application.  Here's what you will see from the output console -

What's Next?

By now you have successfully created some Java classes, and hopefully obtained some good understanding of what APIs imply from our simple example.  A lot of focus has been put on explaining the API concept, because everything complicated in Java is built upon it.   From the core JDK, to the code written by your peers or even yourself, to the enterprise level frameworks and packages, APIs are always the key to communicate the things they can do.  Because of our handy dandy IDE, you should have no worries about the vast amount of APIs out there.

Throughout this tutorial, I intentionally avoided burdening you with all the fine details about Java.  Among the things I did not talk about, some are critical for you to understand, such as P.I.E. – Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation.   Here is a very popular Java introductory book Beginning Java Objects: From Concepts to Code by Jacquie Barker.

To user Eclipse more efficiently, you may go through the built-in tutorials and examples inside Eclipse.

In order not to make my example too complicated, I have violated some best practices.  For example, the buffer variable should be defined as a StringBuilder instead of a simple String, so as to avoid excessive memory usage introduced by excessive String concatenations (+).   This brings up my next suggested reading Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, and William Opdyke .  This book will help you start coding in Java the right way right away!